Nepalese British Community UK (NBC-UK)

Empowering Communities

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Big Lottery Fund Project 2021

Tablet donation and Communication in Community by Nepalese British Community UK

As you all are well aware that Nepalese British Community UK (NBC-UK) is a community charity organisation registered in the UK. We are proud to announce that we have been successful in our application to ‘Big Lottery Fund’ which is now called ‘The National Lottery Community Fund’. Hence, we are distributing 70 tablets (electronic devices) to needy pensioners living in the UK. On this note, NBC-UK would like to express our sincere gratitude to The National Lottery Community Fund.

This project comprises of tablet distribution as well as ongoing education and support to the receivers. The criteria for tablets distribution to the pensioners will be of those who are in need of the devices, are unemployed, do not own property (house) in the UK as well as living in Greater London and surrounding counties. This project is run until 31st December 2021.

For further information on the project, please get in touch with NBC-UK by contacting us by email at:

Thank You

For application please complete the form here: Application Form

If you would like to help us by volunteering for this project, please indicate your interest here: Volunteer Application Form

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Election Schedule 2024

Please see below the election schedule that starts from the application to the final election day: NBC-UK Executive Committee Election Schedule 024/027   1 Membership

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Bulletin Jan-Mar 2021

It is with great pleasure in mentioning that our esteemed Charity Organisation, Nepalese British Community UK (NBC-UK) has been able to publish our very first

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