Nepalese British Community UK (NBC-UK)

Empowering Communities

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On the auspicious occasion of the 11th Anniversary of NBC-UK, we organised a unique entertainment programe, “Bishesh Manoranjan 2021”, on Saturday, the 6th of March 2021. The event was streamed through Zoom Video conferencing. The motive of the programe was to uplift our members and well-wishers’ confidence and equip them with much-needed happiness as we all were suffering from almost a year-long doomed COVID lockdown.

Well-known radio presenter with a pleasant voice, Ms Rupa Rana of BFBS Gurkha Radio UK hosted the event which comprised of a welcome speech from the Co-Ordinator, Mr Rajendra Ojha, an introduction of NBC-UK and its activities on a PowerPoint presentation along with performances from various renowned artists from Nepal and the UK.

Artists from Nepal included a famous musician, lyricist and singer, Mr Basanta Sapkota, a promising talented singer, Miss Eleena Chauhan, an evergreen singer, Mr Raj Sigdel, a legendary comedian, Mr Manoj Gaurel, a well-known and versatile comedian, Mr Jitu Nepal (Mundre) and a very renowned young poet, Mr Nawaraj Parajuli.

Various local artists also accompanied us from the UK comprising a famous song and gazal writer, Mr Nripesh Upreti; a gazal writer and composer, Mr Ramesh Kayastha; a rhyming poet, Mr Phadindra Bhattarai; a poet and gazal writer, Mrs Manju Bhandari Kharel; a poet, gazal writer and journalist, Mr Narayan Gaunle; a flutist, Mrs Raphi Shrestha and a very talented famous singer and musician, Mr Ashish Raaz.

The event had a remarkable presence and was marked a success as around 12,000 audiences were watching live steaming through almost dozens of different news and channels including NBC-UK’s own Facebook page.

All the members of the executive committee of NBC-UK, especially Mr Rajendra Ojha, Mr Rabindra Adhikari, Mr Churamani Regmi and Dr Jagan Karki provided valuable contributions to make the event a resounding success.

NBC-UK and its Cultural department would like to thank all the artists from Nepal and the UK for their invaluable contribution and participation. My sincere gratitude goes to all our members and well-wishers who invested their valuable two-and-half hours to the program; without you, we could not have had the event. I would also like to thank all the journalists who helped us reach our well-wishers and members. And finally, we are also indebted to our sponsors who provided a much needed financial support for the event.

 We hope that you all enjoyed the program then and we promise to deliver similar entertaining cultural events in the future.

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