Nepalese British Community UK (NBC-UK)

Empowering Communities

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Nepalese New Year 2080

Nepalese New Year 2080 BS was organised and celebrated by NBC-UK on Sunday, 2nd April 2023 at Blue Room Sports Venue, North Harrow. The event was organised to support Pabitra Samaj Sewa Nepal (PSS Nepal) to build a library for the use of their under-privileged school and college students.

The proceeds from the event have been handed over to Nepalese registered charity organisation, Pabitra Samaj Sewa Nepal (PSS-Nepal) where we were able to build a library cum study room for around 40 school-going children. Please bear in mind that PSS-Nepal is actively working in Nepal since 2002 while supporting homeless, orphans and disabled children as well as vulnerable elderly in Nepal.

Well-known artists, namely Mr Suman Karki (standup comedian) Miss Eleena Chauhan (singer) and Miss Anjali Adhikari (Model/dancer) were invited as guest performers from Nepal. The event was marked a great success.

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NBC-UK Deusi Bhailo

NEXT EVENT – OCTOBER 2020, FREQUENCY – ONCE EVERY YEAR ON FESTIVAL WEEKEND. A special songs and dance program visiting the guest’s homes who invites

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OAP Support & Yoga

ONGOING PROJECT – CURRENTLY NOT RUNNING DUE TO COVID-19, FREQUENCY – WEEKLY DURING SUMMER MONTHS. This project consists of combined sessions of English Classes, Yoga

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